

Birthday, Puke, and a Snuffbox

The very most important part of this post is to say Happy Birthday to my most fantastic husband!  He is the epitome of a strong husband, loving father, and loyal friend.  I love that Robbie works every day to be the spiritual leader of our house, too.  Because of all of these things, sweet Robbie deserves the best day ever!  I love you!!

Speaking of love and dedication, Ellie must be enamoured with seeing Elmo live.  Today on the radio we heard an ad for Sesame Street Live: Elmo Grows Up.  Ellie went on and on about how the real Elmo would be there and we really need to go see him.  She said the story of the show would be that Elmo is sick, then he feels better.  In other words, Elmo Throws Up!  Ellie was convinced that that was the name of the show!!

I may throw up the next time I go to the orthopedics office and they tell me that my 'anatomic snuffbox' is still not healing.  That's right, I went to the doctor today and after a very painful x-ray, he saw that my navicular bone (not a clue how to spell that one!) is still fractured.  Since the cast is pretty confining and making my wrist stiff, he put my left hand in a splint for two weeks (I can wash my hair with TWO hands!!) and is making me do electrotherapy or something like that.  If it's not healed in two weeks, we'll have to talk about surgery.  I am believing that the bone will be completely fused together the next time I see that x-ray tech!
No you're up to date on the Lathams!!  Big love again to my precious husband!!

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