

Girls' Night

When I heard that Disney on Ice was coming to Birmingham,  I knew that Ellie and I had to go.  Ellie loves anything Disney, and I love doing things with just Ellie!  So, Ellie, two of her friends, and their mommies (who are two of my sweet friends), went to dinner, then to the show.  Even with Ellie's we'll call it 'character apprehension,' she had a great time.  Maybe next year Mary Claire can join in on the fun, too!

These two pictures above are funny to me because the girls are looking at three different cameras!

This 'shrug' was a hand-me-down that we get LOTS of use out of!!  Thanks, Sara!

Fun times = great sleep!


Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a great time and got some great pics. Totally know where you're coming from on the eyes looking in different direction! lol

Abby Warren said...

we had so much fun, unfortunately, i have not even downloaded the pics yet, let alone blogged about it. you are on the ball girl!

Images by Freepik