

Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
1 Corinthians 13:13
Valentine's Day at the Latham house was really not anything overwhelmingly exciting this year.  But you know what?  Sometimes I think downplaying days like February 14th is okay.  Do these two look very excited about the day anyway?!
We gave the girls each a present (because honestly, I love buying new things for my chickies!) and Robbie gave them each a little vase with flowers in it.
For breakfast, I hung lanterns from the light fixture over the table and lit candles.  Then we did the same thing for dinner...even for leftover pizza!
Robbie and I always say that our favorite weekends are those that we spend just hanging out with each other.  Yesterday proved that the best holidays are the same way...low-key with family!

1 comment:

Jeff and Eve Crosby said...

You have such a beautiful family!

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