

Eyes on the Lord

Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
I've been waiting to write this post until I felt more at peace with the whole situation.  Ellie's eyes have intermittent exotopia.  Basically, both of her eyes can 'drift' at times.  Ellie's eyes have a MILD case of this, which I praise the Lord for everyday.  I also praise Him for giving Robbie eyes to see that Ellie has this condition.  Several times at dinner, Robbie would say, "Jenn, look at Ellie's eye.  Quick!  Now!  Oh, too late.  You missed it."  What he was seeing was the drifting of her eye.  I personally never noticed, but I know that Robbie can be way more perceptive than I can, so we made an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor.
Sure enough, as Ellie was watching a movie in his office, the doctor would do certain eye exercises, and I saw the drifting.  It was in both eyes.  It made my stomach turn.  My perfect little Ellie can't have something wrong with her.  
After having her eyes dilated and checked again, the doctor explained our options to me.  Since her case is mild, he decided the best thing to do right now is wear an eye patch.  This is the part that makes me want to throw up. I was always very unsure of myself growing up.  My hair was never right, I never said the right things, and my clothes never quite looked as great as everyone else's.  Don't make my Ellie wear a stupid eye patch.  
Thankfully, the doctor only wants her to wear it for three to four hours a day for a month.  He recommended that she wear it when the drifting was most prevalent, like when she's concentrating on something.  That means she can wear it at home while she is watching t.v. or reading a book.  No eye patch in public!!  After a month, Robbie and I have to really watch to see if we notice improvement in Ellie's eyes.
The worst part of the doctor's appointment was hearing that intermittent exotopia has a wide spectrum of correction.  Sometimes patching works and we'll never see her eyes drift again.  Sometimes you have to have surgery to correct the problem.  Unfortunately, the drifting is caused by the brain, and not the actual eye.  You can't have brain surgery to fix it, but they can try to tweak the eye muscles to make them work differently.  Sometimes surgery works forever, other times a person can have to have it every four years.  Like I said, the whole thing made me want to puke on the doctor's floor.  I don't want my Ellie to be different.
Okay, here are the good things about this situation:
they make eye patches for girls.  The one El has one right now is hot pink with hearts on it.  She gets to choose the girly patch that she wants every day.  
the patches are easy to take on and off.  They're like a band-aid.
hopefully Robbie caught the drifting of her eyes early, and the patching will work.
the doctor we saw is extremely knowledgeable about this condition.
my child is not terminally ill. 
my child can still see totally fine.
my God is bigger than Ellie's brain.  He is bigger than a condition.  He created Ellie's beautiful blue eyes, and He will continue to make them develop in His own way.
my God's way is perfect.
 Thanks for reading, and thanks for your prayers.  I love that I already know that my friends and family will pray with us and believe with us that Ellie's eyes will be just fine!


The Scott family said...

First of all, your girls are BEAUTIFUL! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that when I was a baby, my left eye was very weak and turned in. I had to wear a patch (I was younger than Ellie) and it went a long way towards correcting it. Still when I get tired, my left eye turns in (and I can't see the hidden picture in those dotted pages that were so big in the 90s). I'll definitely pray that this fixes the problem! I sort of know what she's going through.

Stacey said...

I hope the patch fixes everything quickly! We'll be thinking about her.

JJ said...

Sweet Ellie! My heart hurts with you Jenn but also hopes with you in our Great God!! Can't wait to see you all soon. love you!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

sweet ellie belly! she definitely doesn't even looked phased a bit by the whole thing - praying for you and sweet ellie's total healing!

Danielle said...

Ellie is beautiful! We will be praying for her! I'm sure you have done a great job of instilling confidence in her. :-) What an opportunity to remind her that she is beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside where it is most important. And So Are You.

Gini said...

Our prayers are with sweet Ellie! You are so right that the God we serve is bigger than any problem we have. He created those eyes and loves Ellie even more than we do. So good to see you guys last night!

Mary Ann said...

Sweet ellie! Will be praying for you guys. Love that she has a fun, girly patch. :-)

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