

Living It Up

Over Spring Break, the girls and I headed to Atlanta to visit Nana and Papa.  Bonus: the 13th was James' second birthday party!  We drove straight to the Mall of Georgia from Birmingham Sunday morning.  After being at a 'mall party' where all you do is bring some chicken fingers and pay for the kids to ride the carousel, I'm questioning why I've ever had a party at our house.  I mean seriously, the party's finished, and all you have to do is pick up the plastic table cloth and throw everything away!!
Anyway, besides me being envious of the party, the girls had a fabulous time with their cousins.  They spent their time riding the carousel with Papa (I think he's going to have to work an extra five years to pay for the rides!), and being silly girls.  I could seriously watch the three girls play all day long.  It's even more interesting now that Mary Claire is in the mix.
And, not remembering that I was eighteen weeks pregnant, I decided to jump on this thing with three kids.  Not smart.  I was the whimp that actually had to tell them to STOP SPINNING!  I was not invited again.
Cousin Love!
The next day we ventured to IKEA, which was too much fun.  I love that place!  When MC is potty trained, I will totally be taking advantage of the free one-hour child care.  I had the camera with me, but I was so busy eating yummy food and looking at cheap reasonably-priced furniture, I didn't even get it out.
I did, however, whip out the camera the next day Chick-fil-a.  No visit with Nana is complete without going here.  (And I may have had a little say because I needed wanted a banana pudding milkshake.)
Not sure why her outfit looks like it doesn't match.  Know what, though, it doesn't matter because she added this to her ensemble and wore it the entire time we were there...
And sweet Mary Claire, she loved sliding.  Everytime she would start to climb, she would say, "I'm going to slide one more time."  That happened about twenty times.
Even though it's blurry, MC's look also captures how much fun both girls had the whole visit.  From Papa sneaking snacks to Nana letting Ellie talk her ear off while I napped, we definitely lived it up!!

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