

Graduation Gift Idea

I don't always talk about it, but I do have a real j-o-b (besides mom, wife, etc.).  I teach computer at a Catholic school two days a week to grades 4k through eighth.  At our school, the eighth graders go to high school for ninth grade, so we do a little graduation for them.  Last year their teacher bought them each a beach towel for their graduation gifts, and I embroidered them.  With fifteen kids in her class this year, that would have been a pricey gift!  I googled 'diy graduation gift' and found this super-cute idea that I tweaked a little bit. 
All you do is get a piggy bank and fill it with ten pennies.  As you do, pray a prayer on each penny for the bank's recipient.  The website says to wish on each penny, but I like prayers better! :)  I added tissue paper and a little name card, then printed a card saying what the piggy bank means.  These banks will be sitting at the table for the eighth graders' graduation breakfast.  Obviously, you can use this idea for any type of graduation, and it isn't too expensive!  (These piggy banks were about $2.00 each at Michael's.) 
A thoughtful, inexpensive graduation gift!

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