

Time's Up

Ellie has managed to amaze us once again...she sat through another Auburn game! Oh, but that's not all...Ellie never took a nap the entire day and was just the happiest little chickie ever! As Robbie was leaving the stadium carrying her when the game was over, Ellie told him that she was so proud of him (she loves to tell us this lately!), and that she was going to miss football. Never mind that there are several guys working their buns off on the field, she just refers to the whole thing as 'football,' like it's a person! Robbie and I may be seeing season tickets for Little Miss in the future!

So, yesterday was wonderful and Ellie was great. Well, today was not quite the same. When we dropped her off at the nursery, she was not happy. I decided to take her to sweet Austin's first birthday party after church and lunch...not a smart mommy move! Day two without a nap is much worse than day one! Ellie was so excited about telling Austin happy birthday and giving him his present. Well, she fell asleep on the way to the party. Bad news! The child would not leave my lap the entire time! Poor Austin never even got a word out of her! (Not that he really cared...he was just happy to have his first cupcake!) This was the first time that Ellie has ever been unhappy and unsocial around people! She is turning into a real person! And don't worry, I've learned my lesson about pushing her to the max! You'll all be happy to know that we have had a very relaxed evening at home coloring with markers and having 'teef' parties (that's what she calls tea!).

I have ten thousand more precious little Elliebelle stories, but I really need to go to bed! My husband with his sexy CPAP mask is waiting for me! :)

Have a wonderful, wonderful week!

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