

Let it Snow! (Sort of!)

Sure feels good to be back inside!
Hello! It's Ellie. Mommy says that I haven't blogged in awhile, so it's my turn. Yesterday, I had the most exciting day! After school, Mommy took me to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house to play in the snow. Nope, we didn't have to go to up north, Granddaddy made snow for me right in his backyard in Hoover, Alabama! He bought a snow-making machine a couple of months ago, and this week has been the first week that it's been cold enough to use it.
I really loved making snow angels...I am always making them at home on the floor, but this time I got to do the real thing! Wearing mittens was not my favorite; it's really hard to pick things up with them on. It was also my first time wearing a snowsuit. Good thing I'm not potty-trained, yet!
On that note, I went to the potty last night all by myself! I know, I know, too much information, but Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me that I got some candy! Makes me kind of re-think wearing big girl panties. Maybe that won't be so bad after all!
I love you all!


Stephanie Drew said...

snow angels and using the potty....that's a big day!

aunt mm said...

What a fun day in the snow!!! I loved all the pictures on your "blog". Thank you for sharing this with me. You are such a special and beautiful family and a blessing in my life. Looking forward to the next "blog". love, aunt mm

Rachael said...

How much fun!!!

RhiDesign said...

Hey guys! Ellie is getting so big!! Beautiful! So, I am officially a blogger!! Love you!!

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