


So, people keep asking me if I am excited about tomorrow. Honestly, I'm not. I'm nervous and it just doesn't feel right to know what this baby is already! We had to wait nine months to find out that Ellie was a girl!
I'm nervous because starting tomorrow, I will officialy be a mommy to two chickies. I have to say that I am pretty attached to Ellie, and once we find out what this baby is, I will need to be attached to it, too. Of course, I will be reading this a year from now thinking how silly I was, but right now loving another child as much as I love Ellie is just hard to grasp! After all, I am her mommy and she depends on me for everything. I have special nicknames for her, we have songs we sing, kisses we give, prayers we say, and the list just keeps going.
I am sure all of you second-time moms who are reading are nodding your heads right now remembering these thoughts, too!
I keep reminding myself that God is blessing our family with another one of His miracles, and if He can do that, He can give me the love and affection that I need for this new baby. We'll let you know tomorrow what we find out!


Kait said...

Hey girl! I totally remember that feeling! I promise you that you will not have to divide your love between Ellie and the new baby, your heart just doubles in size! It is just another one of God's amazing miracles! I can't wait to hear what you are having!!

Stephanie Drew said...

i do remember...and it's such a distant memory. what a great mom you are to ellie...and what a great mom you will be to two little ones. no doubt!
can't wait to hear from you!!!!!

Woodrich Family said...

I must agree with the other ladies. It is amazing how the Lord expands our hearts to love all of our children! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear the good news. Love you!

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