

Who Knew?!

This semester, I have been going to a small group called Strategic Shopping. In it, we are learning to stretch our dollars when we go to the grocery store. It's awesome! Here are some things I learned last night:
~ Publix doubles all coupons up to 50 cents
~ Publix accepts ALL competitors' coupons (this includes Wal-Greens, CVS, etc.)
~ you can combine offers (i.e. buy something that's buy one get one free, plus use a manufacturer's coupon, AND a competitor's coupon!)
~at the front of Wal-Greens, you can get a rebate book
~ Wal-Mart will match any printed price ( not just on food...think Christmas and Toys 'R' Us!)
~ on Sundays and Wednesdays, go through your ads and write down the best prices of items under each store. This list makes shopping much easier!
I'm sure that all of you smart shoppers already know these tricks, but I sure didn't! Happy shopping!

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