

See You Soon!

It's the time of year when our church fasts for twenty-one days. What a great way to begin a new year! I know that fasting is supposed to be a personal thing, but I wanted to let everyone know why I wouldn't be blogging for three weeks. I have decided to give up the internet for the fast. (I'm doing sweets, too, but that doesn't really have anything to do with this post!) Anyway, in an effort to spend more time with my family, and ultimately my Savior, I am taking a break from being stuck to the computer! Maybe I can get Robbie to blog for me if anything too very exciting happens! I have to say that I am looking forward to not thinking that I NEED to check Facebook and everyones' blogs every single day. I love you all very much and will be praying for you during this special time.

1 comment:

Woodrich Family said...

You are so inspiring! It is nice to feel in control of our minds and bodies. I know that it gives us strength! I'm so proud of you. Love lots!

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