

My Favorite Color

For the past few days, Ellie has been battling a yucky cold. Fever, runny nose, coughing, the whole bit. We've missed church, ballet, and school today. Turns out, no school tomorrow, either...Ellie has pink eye. I'm not sure if it's the bacterial or viral kind, but just to be safe we've already started eye drops (oh what fun that's been!).
The funny part of the whole thing is that tonight Ellie was showing me her eye. She pointed to it and said, "Mommy, it's pink, your favorite color! My eye is a wonderful color!"
In the midst of washing my hands ten thousand times, that girl sure knows how to make her mommy smile!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

How sweet that she would be thinking of her mommy in the midst of having pink eye! I hope she's feeling a lot better!

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