

Being the blog stalker that I am, I came upon this website for this little boy, and I am hooked. His name is Stellan and he isn't supposed to be here. He was born with a heart problem, and is in the hospital right now because his heart beats too fast. I find myself checking on Stellan and his sweet family everyday, so I thought I would put a button on my blog for him. This way, I can check on him with one click instead of going to three different blogs to get his!
Sometimes I come across things that just really touch my heart, and Stellan and his family are one of those things. Maybe it's because he is little like my Mary Claire. Maybe it's because he's in a family of believers. Maybe it's because his mom is a great writer. Or maybe Jesus just wanted one more person praying for this precious family, and I get to be that lucky person. Join me!

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