

Easter in Pictures

Did you really think I would post just one Easter picture?! Here are some highlights from our weekend of celebrating Jesus' awesome resurrection.

Bunny cakes and birds' nests made for Ellie's class party...check.
All 60 Easter lillies, 20 calladiums, 3 arrangements wrapped and delivered...check.
Now, time for family fun!
The girls with their Easter baskets. (Please notice that MC is only wearing a diaper...I NEVER, EVER took a picture of the El in only a dipe...poor second child!)

At Cheesecake Factory for an early lunch with Robbie's sweet parents.

My angel baby, Mary Claire
This is where MC's bow from her dress ended up much of the day...on the ground sopping wet with drool...lovely!
My precious Ellie.
Ellie on an Easter egg hunt at our friends' the Smith's house.And, since I already took a picture of MC in a diaper, why not let Ellie jump on a trampoline in her Easter dress with gum in her mouth right before church?!
Happy Easter, sweet friends! I love you all!

1 comment:

Woodrich Family said...

I just can't stop laughing!! If you think the second is bad, just wait until the third!! Plus, if he's a boy he'll be eating food of the ground outside in his diaper for sure. Okay, probably not but it's kinda funny to think about.

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