

Reunited, and It Feels So Good...

Grove Hill, Alabama. On a Saturday. Matching outfits Mommy made. Sweet tea, fried chicken, fresh veggies, yummy desserts. Nametags. Cousins, half-cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles. All for Mama's twenty-fifth annual family reunion.
Is there a better way to start a morning than with your cousin?! Cousins Swinging
This cousin had more fun swinging than her sister...imagine that!
Robbie got to meet the new cousin, James!
The best picture I could get with Nana, Papa, and thier grands. (Again, imagine that!)
We had a small tragedy, but nothing a safety pin couldn't handle.
Plus, we were on our way to this place:
The girls loved it.
And Ellie especially loved her gumball. Then we got to take two tired girls home!


Corey said...

What fun!! The outfits look great!!! Macey has a cousin not even 2 months older than her, so I can't wait till they're older and can appreciate each other more!! You have beautiful girls!!!

Woodrich Family said...

How fun to have cousins! The outfits look amazing!!

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