


Yesterday Ellie was invited to two princess birthday parties. Both girls (and their families!) are extra-special to us!
The first party was Cinderella-themed. As in, Cinderella was there! She did the girls' make-up, crowned them with their tiaras, read them a story. Then, she had her horse and carriage take them for a ride around the neighborhood! Too much fun!
After some lunch and a nap, it was off to an Ariel party. Ellie adores the pool (see any of this summer's posts!), so she was more than excited! When you combine a Disney princess and water, well, life doesn't get much better for a four-year-old!
Thanks sweet friends for such a fun Saturday! We love these two four-year-olds and their very precious families!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Michelle said...

The only thing that I think would be more exciting to me as a little girl would be a trip to the Cabbage Patch Kid Nursery - where babies come from :) I can only imagine how much fun these girls had! This makes me want a little girl - how will I ever get to live all my childhood dreams out if I don't have one :)

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