

So that's why...

This past week was cuh-ray-z!  Wednesday I got my cast taken off and a lovely splint put on (it looks like I have a prosthetic arm), Ellie had her classroom Christmas party, then my school had their Christmas program that night.  Thursday was Ellie's Christmas program, my school's faculty luncheon, a trip to the flower store, and a trip to FedEx to pick up more flowers.  Friday I spent all day preparing for the wedding Saturday.  Not only did I do the flowers for the wedding, but Ellie was their flower girl.  Of course the dress that I wanted her to wear was a smidge too short, plus the ribbon around the bottom was looking a little bit ratty.  I had grand plans of taking off the ribbon, then putting pintucks where the ribbon was and adding a satin ruffle to the bottom to make the dress longer.  By two in the morning, I decided to forgo pintucks and satin ruffles, so I just sewed a straight hem and new ribbon around the old ribbon.  It was fine.  Oh, and did I mention that I had to wrap poinsettias to be delivered Saturday, too?  If I haven't returned your call, e-mail, or text, that's why!  It's also why the silly chicken post has been up for so long!!
The real point of this post is to show you pictures of our precious flower girl.  Most of the pictures we took have Ellie doing the hand-on-hip diva pose, so I am hoping that the photographer got some better shots!  She did a great job during the wedding and ate up all of the attention!  (Yes, she is her mother's daughter!!)

Ellie and the sweet bride, Ying

Flower Girl & Ringbearer...too cute!!

So ready to be done with pictures!
This is so random, but I took a picture of my hand after the cast came off.  It still had the word YES written on it!  Isn't it sad that they have to write a huge word on your body to make sure that they operate on the right thing?!  What's even sadder is that they didn't wash it off after surgery, or after putting a cast on the day after my surgery!


JJ said...

Ellie looks precious and I hope your hand is healing well. Have a Merry Christmas and let's seriously skype soon! Miss you and love you.

Teresa said...

love the pictures, Ellie looks so cute.

No time for silly chicken part 2, I waiting.

love you all

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Love the pic of Ellie and her daddy - did Robby tear up not only at a wedding but also seeing his little girl really "walking" down the isle :)? Love the flowers in her hair too! I thought about calling you several times this weekend before ya'll leave for Pennsylvania - hope you have a great time! Call me when you get back!

Stephanie Drew said...

love the pictures...and the stories behind them!

Stacey said...

What a ham! A very pretty ham, indeed.

Images by Freepik