


Psalm 127:3 ~ Sons (and daughters!) are a heritage from the Lord; children a reward from Him.
Today we took the MC to get her first pair of big girl shoes.  Really it's about time since she's, ahem, seventeen months old.  I'll post about that later.
First, here are some pictures of the girls getting their first pair of shoes. I just think it's fun looking at the two of them side-by-side!  (Again, remember that Ellie was about three months younger than MC.)
It's a Latham Family tradition that you must go to Savage's Bakery next door and get a gingerbread man when you get a pair of shoes.


JJ said...

wow, they look so different in these pics!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

wow - I remember that baby! It seems like only yesterday Ellie was that small!

Images by Freepik