

Disregard that last post...

Ellie's Easter dress is not done.  At least, not the way that I want it to look.  My grand plan was for Mary Claire to wear a dress that Ellie wore, and I would make Ellie a dress to match.  After all, you can't have one sister in an heirloom dress and the other one not.  Right?  Now that it's 11:19 the night before Easter, I'm rethinking the whole matching thing.
I'm done.  Burned out.  Ready to go to bed and sleep for an entire day.  Working twenty hours at Kids Market, tying 78 bows for Easter plants, wrapping those plants, delivering those plants along with three church arrangements, and trying to finish an heirloom Easter dress has beaten me.  I'm not super-mom.  I'm not super-sewer.  In fact, I'm feeling pretty defeated right now.
Do you think God's trying to tell me that I need to open my ears and my spirit tomorrow at church?  Yeah, I do, too.
2 Corinthians 4:8
We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair...
Know why?  Think about tomorrow.  We celebrate tomorrow because Jesus defeated all of these evil things!

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