


My mom is one of twelve kids.  All twelve kids have their own children.  I am one of thirty-three grandchildren... just from my mom's side of the family.  
This weekend we were lucky enough to spend time with one of my thirty-three cousins.  Jim is the second-oldest son from my mom's oldest brother.  Confusing, I know!
Anyway, through the wonderful thing that is Facebook, Jim and I figured out that his wife's twin sister lives literally five minutes from our house.  They came to visit his sister-in-law and her family this weekend, so we got to see them, too!
The girls and I ventured out in the yucky rain, while Robbie stayed here to work on a sewer situation (that will be explained me, it's worth a post of its own!).  Thankfully the rain stopped and we got to wander around outside with dogs, kittens, horses, a pool, and lots of fun people!  I love family!
Jim and his sweet wife Holly.  Ellie took this picture...I think that explains the angle!!

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