

Sweet Gift, Sweeter Husband

Confession: I love things.  I love name-brand things.  I love name-brand things that are sparkly.

Reality: We do not have money for such things.  I do not need such things, even though I tend to convince myself that I really do.

Surprise: My husband saved all of his gift money to buy me a bracelet for my birthday/Mother's Day/our anniversary.

TRUTH: My husband is truly unselfish, thoughtful, and still full of surprises even after knowing him for ten years.   I love that this man is so willing to sacrifice gifts for himself to make his coveting wife a happy camper.

Thank-you, Robbie, for making my birthday so special!  Yes, I love and adore my bracelet, but the best part of turning thirty was being reminded of your love for me.
Ephesians 5:25 ~ Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.
That's Robbie!

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