

No Stopping for Us!

To say the Latham Family has had a busy week would be a total understatement.  The 'fun' started off Friday morning when Robbie went to the ER because he had a pain in his stomach that wouldn't subside (no, that pain was not me!).  Turns out his appendix looked really bad and needed to be removed that afternoon.  While all of this was happening, I was at home waiting for Easter lilies to be delivered to my house.  (Every Easter I wrap and put bows on lilies for local churches.)  I was also fretting about Ellie's dress rehearsal for her ballet performance on Saturday, and how I was going to go to the hospital between lily delivery and dress rehearsal.  In-laws to the rescue!  My father-in-law was at the hospital with Robbie, and my mother-in-law came to take care of the girls.
Surgery went well, and I was in the room when Robbie was brought back from recovery.  Because they did not give him a pain pump, I spent the night at the hospital, too.  After talking to the surgeon, I found out that Robbie had informed everyone and anyone who would listen that: he was going to be a daddy for the third time to a BOY, Robbie was going to buy a van in the morning, and he was also going to Ellie's performance no matter what.  Apparently the doctor on call the next morning took this to heart and did his rounds at 5:30a.m.  By 8:00a.m., we were leaving the hospital!  And sure enough, we got a van and Robbie went to Ellie's performance (workout pants, t-shirt, walker and all!).  What a trooper!!
Sunday was a day of rest for all of us, Monday I stayed home with my patient, and Tuesday as I was headed out the door to work, I looked at Mary Claire and realized she had pink eye.  One trip to the doctor later, and she had a double ear infection, too.  Pretty sure my sick days are all gone!!  It will be a miracle if I even get a paycheck this month! :)  
I'm waiting on pictures from Robbie's sister of Ellie's ballet recital because somehow the camera got left in the car.  Speaking of Robbie's sister, she and her little chickie were in town for our fun weekend, too.  Only she came to go to an MBA advisory board meeting in Auburn with Robbie and his dad, but obviously they never made it there.  So, we got to have more time with Stacey and sweet Sévrine!
I am posting this whole saga for myself to remember this crazy time, and to put pictures up for the grandparents.  They tend to get a little cranky when I go a few days with no new pictures (ahem, PAPA!).  :)

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