

A {Royal} Happy

I'm pretty sure if I called my mom who lives in Pennsylvania and told her I was sending her a 'happy,' she might put her hand over mouth and blush.  I didn't know what a 'happy' was until about two years ago, and now I am much obliged to receive one!  In the South, a 'happy' is a fun, unexpected little gift meant to brighten a person's day.
A ROYAL happy was in our mailbox yesterday!  Our sweet, dear friends Robert and Liz who live in London mailed us a flag from the recent royal wedding.
Seeing as I was at the beach with one of my best friends the week of the wedding, we watched the coverage and analyzed the entire ceremony for a good two days.  Our husbands were over it in oh, about five minutes!  I have to say that even Robbie chuckled when he saw the flag with beautiful Kate and a dapper Wills on it.  
Robert and Liz are the sweetest, most thoughtful friends with the best adventures.  They are expecting Baby Girl Stillwell at the beginning of June, and we CANNOT WAIT to see her!  I tell them all of the time what incredible stories they will have for their precious baby!
Thank-You, Robert and Liz, for a royal taste of the wedding!  We love you!!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

i'm so very excited about this.

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