...I LOVE mail. And packages? Be still my heart! I've actually received two this week! One of which was this:

My sweet brother Greg is loaning me his camera for an indefinite amount of time. He said I could have it, but I am not letting myself get that excited! I have wanted a better camera for a long, long time. (Just ask Robbie, my mom, Greg, my in-laws, really anyone who has come into contact with me in the last two years!) Hopefully I can figure out how to use it! :)
The other package had a couple of baskets that I ordered from World Market with my $10 'birthday gift' that they gave me for being a member in the World Market Club. Not quite as much fun as the camera, but still a package!
...I really am pregnant. As in seven months, but look and feel eleven months pregnant. My weight is climbing and it is really starting to bother me, but as you can see in the picture below, all I do is keep eating...
...My five-year-old will be six in a week. Today at church she went to the 'bigger kids' church where it goes all the way up to fifth grade. Robbie and I had a moment. She, of course, loved it!
...My two-year-old is a mess! Just her expressions alone keep us on our toes! Anytime I tell her I am going to take her picture, she does this 'gangsta-rap-peace-out' pose. Her daddy must have taught her this when they were alone. Robbie did have a thing for Dre and Snoop when he was in high school...
...The girls are doing well sleeping in the same room. It's the sweetest thing to hear Ellie reading to Mary Claire in the mornings! Now if we could just get rid of paci...
...Life is good! Despite the fat factor, we are excited about Baby Boy! And don't think we're keeping what we're going to call him a secret. Trust me, we wish we knew! I like Beau or Robert, Robbie likes Trey. Suggestions welcomed!
Hope you enjoy your new camera!! And, trust me, you look fabulous for 7 months!! :) Hang in there Momma.
Love the pictures of all 3 of you, and no you do not look fat, you look great. MC is too stinkin cute with that look, she cracks me up. Looking forward to more blog post with the new camera, but honestly your old camera took great pics as well, give the girls hugs and kisses. Love you all!
You have to get a 50mm f1.4 (or f1.8 as a second choice) lens. Have fun!
I could only WISH I looked that good at 7 months! You will love your new camera! I have the Canon version and I love that I actually get the picture I want now instead of the one a second later because my shutter speed was so slow. With young kids, it's a must!
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