After looking through a bajillion pictures, I know now why I used to blog right after every momentous occasion.
Here's what we've been up to (by family member!):
• turned 32 on October 12th

• has been working out hard-core and has lost at least 12 pounds! (SO PROUD!!)
• tripped in the attic a few weeks ago...
• accepted a new position at work that he's pretty pumped about
• is loving football season (did I really need to write that?!)
• loves my three chickies more and more everyday
• cannot get caught up on laundry to save my life
• got to go to an Auburn game with just Robbie!!
• went to Halloween Bunco as a 'Blessing in Disguise' (And yes, that's Robbie's mom as the ghost. Remember the majorette last year?! And why do I look like a Michael Jackson wannabe?!)
• loves first grade, loves her teacher
• went on a field trip to Children's Theater to see Cinderella (I got to chaperone!)
• discovered who Justin Bieber is (thanks, school friends!)
• dressed up as Gretel for her school's fairytale ball
• brought home the class 'pet,' Lucky, for a weekend
• got glasses today!
• seems so grown-up lately!
• continues to make us laugh, and I mean belly laugh, so many times each day!
• is adjusting to life pretty well as a big sister
• loves Justin Bieber, too!
• loves going to 'school' three days a week
• L-O-V-E-S to be held (hence, piles of laundry!)
• doesn't mind letting you know he's unhappy
• is still a stoic little thing
• had to have an ultrasound on his lower back to rule out spinabifida and one on his heart because of a slight heart murmur, both of which were totally fine (translation: scared me to death twice in two weeks!!)
• smiles, coos, and melts his mommy's heart!Whew! I'm going to run and change my spit-up soaked shirt. I'm also going to have a little talk with Robert who is trying to nurse through my shirt, even though he finished eating about thirty minutes ago. Oh, and maybe, just maybe, some clothes will get folded
Jenn, I loved this post!! It was great to see an update on each of you. But mostly, I LOVE how much alike our lives are at the moment. Doesn't having THREE young ones, plus nursing, plus carpool, plus etc...just make life so insane? Whew, I sure am enjoying it, but it is exhausting and never ending. Caleb is doing our laundry...a lot. :)
Robert and the girls miss their Aunt Teresa! We need to face time!
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