

Better Late Than Never?!

While listening to sweet Robert complain in his crib, I am trying to sort through the pictures from the last month of life.  Normally that wouldn't be too difficult, but seeing that the last month was DECEMBER...
Maybe posting a picture will get me back into blogging mode!  Here are my precious chicklets with Santa (red eyes and all!):
Okay, Robert wins.  Blog loses.  Off to the nursery...


Jeremy and Michelle said...

Robert is too precious!!!

Teresa said...

You need to move to Georgia!!

Danielle said...

Just read your facebook post about your lack of a Christmas card.So I did something even worse!!! I went through all the trouble of making our Christmas Cards, and never ended up having the time to send them. AHH!! Thinking I will do it super late anyway. Christmas in August anyone??:) Lol. Life with three...

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