

Hippity Hoppity

Our family of five ventured to the Galleria for lunch on Saturday.  We thought we would hit up Build-a-Bear for the girls' free t-shirts for their McDonald's Happy Meal animals.  Yeah, we're cheap fun like that.  
Turns out that Saturday was a Spring Fling Kids Fest in the food court.  SCORE!  The girls got their faces painted,
 made crafts,
and hula-hooped their little hearts out. 
It was such a good time that the carousel was completely forgotten!
The biggest event of the day, though, was...THE EASTER BUNNY!  When I saw he had arrived, I told Robbie that we had to get the kids' picture taken with him.  Robbie's eyes got a little bit big, because he knows our kids all too well.  Latham Children + people in costumes = disaster.  But not today!  MC was a little scared, but the bunny's helper had the genius idea to put Robert in the bunny's lap, Ellie next to the bunny, then Mary Claire next to Ellie.  IT WORKED!
Obviously Robert was way-confused, but the girls were proud of themselves!  
I cannot believe that Easter is so close!  I'm trying my best to focus on Jesus' death and incredible resurrection rather than worry about what my kids will wear...
So grateful for a fun Saturday with just our family!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I love the picture where the girls are looking at each other, the look is filled with love, oh so sweet and precious. Sister love is the best!

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