

I Needed This!

Because of four incredibly sweet parents (Mom and Henry, I know you would be here if you weren't a plane ride away!!), Robbie and I got to spend four nights away at Seagrove Beach in Florida.
Robbie was in a golf tournament with Allen Drew, of Allen and Stephanie.  We love them.  We love them even more now (kidding!) because they found a house with five bedrooms in Seagrove for us and two other couples to all stay in during the tournament.  Did I mention it was on the beach?  And that we saw dolphins?  And that this was our view from the second story balcony?  (If you look closely, you can see the dolphins in the middle of the picture.)  Yep.  It was awesome.
What was even better, though, is that Robbie and I both got some much-needed down time.  He played golf everyday with his friends,
and I had three straight days of not having to wake up at any certain time or have a schedule.  Bliss.  And look who I got to hang out with...
Each night we all went out to eat...with just adults!!
Other highlights of the trip...
The boys won the tournament.  They wouldn't tell you, but they actually swept the tournament.  I'm proud!
Stephanie and I got to talk to each other, in person, with no interruptions.  It didn't matter if I forgot to say something, because she was right there when if I remembered!
I bought myself some new kicks at the outlet mall.  Pretty sure they're going to make working out that much more fun.  Stephanie picked out neon yellow shoelaces to go in them.  I'm pretty excited.  Doesn't take much these days.
So, the trip was wonderful.  Beyond wonderful.  I feel rested and my chickies were so excited to have us back.  That's always the best!
The number one main point of this post is to say
to our parents for watching THREE CHILDREN for so many days!  Robbie's parents split the time with my dad and stepmom who live in Atlanta.
I picked up the girls with a freshly-cleaned carseat and newly-washed clothes (MARY!), then came home to fresh sheets on my bed and clean clothes in the dryer (MAMA!).  We've also had fun listening to Papa and Granddaddy stories from the girls.
We love you all and can't saw enough how much we appreciate you!! 


Teresa said...

You are blessed!!

Stephanie Drew said...

i am just now getting around to blog reading. it's on my summer to-do list! this trip was much needed for us too, and who better to share it with??!! can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

Images by Freepik