


My sweet Ellie is finished with first grade.  It's fitting that she was in 'first' grade this year, because lots of things were new in this little chickie's life.
New brother.  New backpack.  New school.  New friends.  New carpool routine.  7:45 til 2:45...everyday.  Early bedtime.  Homework.  Glasses.  Justin Bieber.  PE everyday.  Art.  Guidance.  BFF.  
The best teacher in the entire world.  Miss Tomberlin scooped up an incredibly fearful Ellis and helped her become a social Ellie who loves school.
After a whole year of praying for Ellie to be put in the 'right' teacher's class, it's awesome to look back and see this prayer answered...tenfold.  Of course.  With Him in control, I am still learning to never expect anything less.  :)

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