

Happy Birthday to My #1 Blog Fan

That would be my dad.  And today is his birthday.  So what better way to honor him than tell him how special he is to me on my blog?!
Dear Papa,
You already know this, but the whole daddy/daughter thing definitely applies to our relationship.  For a couple of years, it was just the two of us.  You did things like let me eat cherry gummies and drink chocolate milk in your brand new car.  (Yes, I did puke everywhere.  We renamed his Peugot the 'Puke-jo.')  You also fixed my hair when it was your weekend to have me.  And we are not just talking a brush and some water.  Oh no.  You crimped it for me.  During those years, you also shared with me your love for UGA football and Braves baseball.
Then the two of us became three when you found Mama.  And thank goodness, because then I didn't worry about you being lonely when I wasn't with you! ;)  I did have to learn to share you, though.  But that was okay because we had even more fun times.  Sesame Place in the rain, Orioles baseball, sailing, and enjoying being a family.
Three wasn't enough, and Tyler came along.  Two years later, enter Jesse.  Wow!!  Two boys, two years apart.  Life got even more exciting!  
All of these events were life-shaping, but the number one memory is how you showed me the One who really loves me.  You took me to church,  you talked about Jesus, and you were the one who walked me to the front of the church the day I decided to be baptized.  Invaluable.
As I dated Robbie, you always made sure that our relationship was covered in Christ.  When we got married, you made Robbie part of our family without blinking an eye.
Now you share this same love with my children.  And at this season in life, seeing someone adore my family the way you do just makes me smile.
So, today and everyday I thank the Lord that He made you my Papa.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Sooo sweet! Is that top picture you??? If so, MC looks EXACTLY like you as a !little girl...amazing

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