


When I was pregnant with Ellie, my mother-in-law discovered Kids Market, a consignment sale.  The thought of used children's clothing made me shudder.  Like, I literally went to the sale and would not touch a thing.  I vigorously washed my hands the second I left.  (In the back of my mind I was relieved we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl because then I couldn't look at the clothes.)
Let's fast forward a year.  I have a six-month-old chickie and a part-time job.  My mother-in-law has been to several other consignment sales since Ellie was born and proven to me that you really can score great clothes for a much cheaper price.  So I go to Kids Market again.  And this time I put Ellie in a laundry basket and pull her along while I look at clothes.  It did take a few minutes for me to actually touch something, but once I did, I started throwing clothes in that basket and never looked back.
Seven years later and a majority of my children's clothes come from Kids Market.  The kicker is that I even volunteer twenty hours of my time for the privilege to shop the sale first.  I know, I know.  
Last Sunday as we were riding to church, it dawned on me that all of my kids had on clothes that were not bought from a retail store.  But wait.  Even I had on an outfit that my mom in Pennsylvania sent me...from a co-worker's sister.  Yes.  That would mean that the clothes I was wearing were three-time hand-me-downs.  But wait!  My shoes!  I bartered with a sweet friend some embroidery for the Cordonis on my feet.  Whoa.  My how far I've come!
And I am proud.  When I first started shopping consignment, I didn't really want to discuss where an outfit came from that Ellie had on.  I would even preempt it by saying, "Well, it still had the tags on it," or "I knew I couldn't find this anywhere else."  Now I love it when someone asks where that smocked bishop on MC or the fun pants that El has on are from.  I know that the Lord has shown me Kids Market as a way to better spend the money He has blessed us with.  It has taken me a loooong time to realize how careful I need to be with our money, regardless of how much we have.
So there you go.  I am a consignment shopper.  And I am proud.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yes, us too!! It is such a great way to get more for your money! I am all about a trade, barter, or consignment sale find. :) It just makes sense doesn't it?! I am attempting to make our costumes for Halloween this year and the consignment stores have been the best places to pick up things cheaply for this purpose. But, I've walked out every time with extra stuff for us! And, you all look like a million bucks! ;-)

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