

Be Nice: A Reminder

During my daily blog stalking perusing, I saw this tweet on someone's page, and it got my attention.
YIKES!  Since doing several small groups on marriage and parenting, I really do try to keep talking about Robbie in a negative way to a minimum.  But my goodness.  I'm a girl, and I like to TELL my feelings to my friends in hopes that they can totally remedy any situation.  Where has that gotten me?  Nowhere.  
Don't get me wrong, I do not go around airing every little thing about my marriage.  But even the little, "I sure wish Robbie would...," or, "can you believe...?!"  are not doing anything to help.
So, I am going to remember this tweet.  And not only for my husband, but for our kids, too.  The older the kids get, the more they do wrong, and the more I tend to dwell on the bad rather than boast about the wonderful little chickies they are.

 As I look at these pictures of my sweet family, I can't imagine that I will every say anything bad again! :) 

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