

Grumpy Girls

Weeks like this one make my girls cranky.  They didn't have school Monday, missed school Tuesday so we could visit an old friend in Atlanta, then Mary Claire had ballet and her Thanksgiving program at school this afternoon.  
On the way home from picking up Ellie, the girls got into an argument over Ellie touching Mary Claire's headband from her performance.  That turned into Ellie getting really huffy with me, which turned into MC being even crankier, which led me to tell the girls they had to go sit in their beds and read until further notice.  ('further notice' = mama saying a prayer for patience and taking a deep breath)
When I went to talk to the girls about why they were in their room, I found Ellie reading a book from school and MC with the Bible cracked open.  Mary Claire told me that she was spending her time reading 'The Best Book.'  She was 'looking for verses that would help her be nicer.'  Ellie proclaimed she was reading the best book.  Mary Claire corrected her and said, "The Bible is the best book ever.  Ever, ever.  Not a library book!"
Thank-you, Lord, for answering my prayer for patience.  Thank-you for going beyond my request and making my heart melt at the sweet innocence of my girls.

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