

Mom Time!

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
• Philippians 2:3-4 •
My sweet mom came from Pennsylvania (Yardley, to be exact; about thirty minutes outside of Philadelphia) for a visit last week.  I was super-excited about five days of organizing the office, switching out the kids' closets from winter to summer clothes, and whatever sewing projects I could come up with!

Those plans got a little bit sidetracked because poor Mom started to feel bad the first night she was here.  We are pretty sure Alabama allergies attacked her.   Mom was so sick that I made her she went to the Doc-In-the-Box Thursday.  Two shots, an antibiotic, nose spray, and round of steroids later, Mom was feeling more like herself.  
If you have ever met Mom, though, you know that even severe sinus pains won't keep her down!  She managed to eat lunch with the El at school one day,
go with me to get Robert's hair cut, (yes, it's short.  And Jim Carey-ish.  But he's a boy, and it will grow.  And he's still so stinking cute!!)
and go to Mary Claire's first t-ball game!
Mom and I also took apart our kitchen table chairs and covered the seats in vinyl tablecloth material.  If anything makes Mom happy, it's taking something absolutely disgusting (the old chair covers) and making it clean!!  (New chair cover on the left, old on the right.)  Mom was upset that I didn't take a detailed 'before' picture of the chairs, but I just couldn't.  They were that gross.
The clothes mission was completed, too.  And in between all of our tasks, Mom managed to scrub anything she could find (sconces, mirrors, floors), all while rotating cups of cold water and mugs of hot tea on her cheeks to help her sinuses.  The woman is a cleaning machine with energy I wish I could harvest!
I love my mom!  I always tell her that I want to have a heart to serve others the way she does.  Mom is continuously blessing those around her, and this past week my family got to be blessed big time!  


EllenMitchell said...

Love the post! Your mom is amazing!

JJ said...

So glad she came - I know every visit is precious!

Woodrich Family said...

Yay for Mom's!!

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