

Chef Ellie

Yesterday Ellie got a package in the mail from her sweet Aunt Teresa. She received some play food for her kitchen, a McDonald's apron (Robbie thought it was awesome!), oven mits, and a little toy clown. Ellie's favorite part of the entire package was the oven mit! In true Jennifer fashion, Ellie did not care for the clown because it makes noise! Also notice her cute apron that our friends Maggie and Marshall gave her for her birthday...she is just little miss homemaker! To top off the whole ensemble, she had to have on her pink heels! Maybe this is a sign of good things to come...Ellie will want to help her mommy in the kitchen!


JJ said...

I was just thinking that you should start blogging! I will love looking at the pics and updates!
Love you.

JJ said...

Where can I get shoes like that?!?

Those pictures are great! Love the BLOG!


Danna Sanders Orton said...

Hey Jenn!!

I'm so glad you started a blog. We can definitely keep up!!!!

Love ya

Robin Hudson said...

Ellie: You write so well to be so young, but what else could we expect given all the brains in the family? I'm still trying to figure out the symbolism of you cooking in those pink heels - I think it is a step forward for womankind (or, not??).

Love you!
Great Auntie Robin

Robin Hudson said...
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