

War Eagle Weekend

Football season is always busy, and this weekend was no exception! For starters, Robbie's sister, Stacey, flew in from Portland to go to an MBA Advisory Board Meeting, then to the game. At the meeting, Bob (Robbie's dad) and Stacey were offered tickets to sit in the President's suite during the game. So, Friday night we went to Auburn to meet up with Robbie's family. Saturday was spent napping so that we would all be prepared for the game. Ellie was totally in her element getting to talk to everyone PLUS see football! The highlight of the game for Ellie was getting her picture taken with the eagle. The highlight of the game for us was seeing Auburn play real football! (It didn't hurt that we had really good seats and yummy food, too!) Ellie is such a trooper...she sat through the entire game, and was pleasant until bedtime...we are extremely lucky parents!
Today we got to spend some more time with Stacey, then we headed to church. What a blessing to have our home church broadcast in Auburn! We know the pastor and his wife, and just get so excited knowing that we have a place to go on Sunday mornings even when we're away!
Enjoy the pictures! We love you all!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

your family is precious!!


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