

White Wedding

Jingjing (Greg's girlfriend), Greg, Me, and Nick
My Youngest (and tallest!) Brother, Nick

My Sweet Mom!


I know that many of you will not believe this, but I went out of town this weekend by myself. Yes, that means that Ellie wasn't even with me! Let me just tell you, leaving Ellie on Thursday was not easy. Leaving Robbie is always hard, but I know that he won't grow or change or start saying new words while I'm gone!

So, Thursday afternoon, for the first time in A LONG TIME, I boarded a plane all by myself! Can I tell you that listening to my IPod passes time much more quickly than watching Baby Einstein videos!

Thursday night when I arrived, Henry had made a wonderful dinner that I would never get at home...stuffed peppers! Mom and I left Friday morning for the shore, and spent some time helping set up for the rehearsal dinner. Nick and Henry, along with most of my mom's family, were there for the dinner Friday night. (I have to pause here to explain that my mom has TWELVE brothers and sisters! All of them have children, making lots and lots of cousins! My cousin Evan is the lucky one that got married. His new wife Missy is precious!) Saturday was WEDDING DAY! What a beautiful wedding...on the beach with a fun reception (my hair got extremely frizzy at the wedding, but no worries...I brought my straightener to the yacht club...whew!)! The bride's family had a breakfast Sunday morning, so I got to visit with all of my family again!

Overall, in spite of missing my sweet family, I had a great visit with everyone. Weddings are not only the uniting of two people, but they are an awesome opportunity to get to catch up with so many people that I don't often get to see. Enjoy the pictures! Love you all!

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