

Our Little Elliebelle!

Ellie had her class Christmas party last Thursday. Once again, she thought it was a birthday 'pah-ty,' so I had to explain that the only person who is having a birthday is Jesus. Let's hope she gets that one!
Speaking of Jesus, Ellie's favorite toy right now is her Nativity Set. Nothing is more sweet than watching her open each little box and put the people in the stable. She is especially fond of Mary, Baby Jesus, and the angel.

Back to the party...we did a craft where the kids painted ice cream cones with green frosting to make them look like Christmas trees, then we decorated them. Of course, since it was food, Ellie had the best time! As soon as we were finished, she took a nice bite off of the top of her tree. Then, we had to take the rest of the tree home, and she had to know where it was at all times! It took her a good two days to eat the whole thing! Just like her mommy, Ellie sure loves sweets! (Don't tell anyone, but one of our ways of bonding is to eat cake or cookies for breakfast sometimes!)

I hope that you all are having a fantastic holiday season. This morning our pastor talked about JOY, and we really have so much to be joyful about. One thing the Lathams are joyful for is friends like you! Love You!


JJ said...

I would just love to be with ya'll all day every day to watch Ellie and hear that sweet little voice!

Stephanie Drew said...

she looks just like you in these pictures...

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