

Bowling Babe

Today the Latham Family went on a totally new adventure...Ellie went bowling! Her good friend, Maggie, turns four this month, so Ellie was invited to her bowling birthday party. Robbie and I were not sure how she would like it, but she LOVED it! At one point, we turned around for a second, and by the time we turned back around, she had picked up a ball and pushed it down someone else's lane! Of course, it was the slowest rolling bowling ball you've ever seen, but we were still pretty surprised!

Since Robbie took a bowling class in college, I let him be the one to help her bowl each turn. Anyone who has ever seen me bowl knows that I don't have a clue in the world what I'm doing! (Just ask Joy Jonas!)

Another fun day with my sweet family! Love you all!

P.S. Please pray for my Aunt Teggie (my mom's sister). She has a really serious case of pneomonia, and has been in ICU for a few days. Mom flew out to Indiana today to see how severe the situation is. Please also pray for my grandmother, who is having a biopsy tomorrow to determine the severity of her cancer. THANK-YOU!


Stephanie Drew said...

so glad she had fun...and got the shoes to match! she's such a big girl!
avery loves loves loves bowling and rolled the balls so slowly she could have eaten a meal before it got to the pins...and you know how slow that process is!

Woodrich Family said...

That's so fun! Trey's been playing bowling on the Wii so we decided we should probably take him bowling for real one of these days. You know I was wondering if you took the time to straighten your hair every day these days because I hadn't seen a picture of it curly. It's cute!

JJ said...

Okay, so I LOVE the shoes! And something about watching you bowl Jenn, just makes my heart smile! For some reason, I feel like it reflects your genuine and pure heart. Maybe sounds weird, but it's true! We need to all do a bowling date soon and remember the good ole days in AU.
Love you!

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