

Happy Hearts Day!

These are the Valentines that Ellie gave her classmates. We had so much fun making them!

I don't think I have ever looked at February 14 as a day of APPRECIATING the love around me. It's one thing to love and be loved, but my goodness am I blessed! We are using this day to teach Ellie that we are so very lucky to have all the people around us that we do, and that we are even luckier to love them. I use the word 'love' all of the time (my mom would tell you too much!), but today I have really thought about it everytime I have used it.

This morning Ellie got her first 'love' gift by waking up with flowers and a card in her bedroom from her daddy. I got so tickled because I woke up to, "Look, flowers! Look babies, flowers!" coming out of the monitor. Ellie insisted upon taking her flowers to breakfast, then upstairs while I got ready.

At school, Ellie felt the love some more with a party in her classroom. Her sweet teacher, Mrs. Amanda, gave her a little stuffed pig that she already thinks the world of. Ellie's classmates gave her lots of Valentines with candy that I have been enjoying while she is napping. (I mean really, she's two, does she need all of that candy for herself?!)

Today has been one of my favorite Valentine's Days because I have expected nothing, but received the pure peace of knowing just how much love is around me!

We love you all, and we have been thanking Jesus for each and everyone of you!


Rachael said...

How sweet! I love the valentine that you guys made! Precious!

JJ said...

Sweet Ellie! You did a great job updating your blog layout! Love you...Joy

Images by Freepik