

Grandmothers are so good!

This weekend my mom flew into town and as always, we had the best time! Robbie went on the Men's Retreat with church, so it was a perfect time to have Mom here! Between cleaning my neglected house and helping me sew, Mom did get to spend some good quality time with Ellie. What a joy to watch the two of them interact and know that that's how my life was when I was two-and-a-half! Ellie calls Mom 'Grandmother' which was such a nice change to hear from, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" I really did enjoy a break from being a full-time mommy!
While we were at the park yesterday, I got a new name: LaLa. No clue where it came from or why she decided to call me LaLa at that very moment, but all day I was LaLa! I still get tickled hearing her little voice say, "Let's play. Okay, LaLa?" So, Ellie got to be LeLe. She is very particular about what you call her, but LeLe was acceptable!
Enjoy the pictures from Mom's visit. We love you all!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

i love that we were able to meet your sweet mom and that you shared that special time with us. we love you! sharing in your joy...and sorrow...

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