

The Name Game

No, we still haven't decided on a name for our new little girl. The funny thing is, one of the reasons we found out what we are having is so that we could pick out a name ahead of time. With Ellie it was easy, we just looked at her and knew that she was a little Ellie. After not knowing for nine months whether we were having a boy or girl, the name was really the last thing on our minds! I think that's why it was so easy!
We have names that we like, but there's always something that makes us think twice. For example, we both like Anna Leigh. Well, it sure sounds a lot like Ellie! We also like Mary Margaret, but what a long name for a little baby! I am ready to whip out the family tree to see if there are any names that I didn't know about! Anyone that knows me knows that I am really big on family names and double names. I guess that comes from living in the south for so long! So, for now, we'll still just call our new little one 'Sweet Baby'!


Stephanie Drew said...

her name will be perfect...just for her!

Woodrich Family said...

I have come to the realization that I should have just named all my kids the same thing because I mix them all up anyways. I swore I would never do that because my mom did, but in the chaos of it all Kyler ends up being Trey all too often. Good luck!

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