

Too Cute!

Charlotte, Ellie, and the coveted pink bunny!
Nana's Girls!
We love our Poppy!
Cookin' Cousins
Sweet, sweet girls

On Thursday, Ellie and I drove to Atlanta to spend some time with our family. Of course, Ellie's favorite part of the whole trip was getting to play with her cousin Charlotte. Ellie and Charlotte are just precious together...they really love each other! It's funny to me that even at such a young age they know the difference between a friend and a cousin.
Friday Quinn (Charlotte's mommy) and I took Ellie and Charlotte to IKEA. I am a tiny bit obsessed with this store, and I don't think Quinn realized what she was getting herself into! I ended up buying a table and four chairs for our deck, which were quite a task to get into the car (luckily I had Robbie's SUV!). Quinn and I know that people were walking by just shaking their heads at the sight of us trying to make it all work!
Friday night Quinn cooked us a yummy dinner, then the girls baked a cake with Uncle Tyler. Nana and Poppy are sweet enough to let the girls pretty much run the house, including playing in their kitchen! Sometimes I marvel at the patience of a grandparent versus the patience of a parent!
Saturday we went to eat Chinese food with everyone, then we drove back to Birmingham. Ellie and Charlotte were very sad to have to leave each other. However, our visit did not go without a little tiff between the girls. Saturday morning they had a fight over a pink bunny that Ellie brought with her...Tyler and I had to step in and resolve it by just taking the bunny away! I think that little argument is just a taste of what's to come with two little girls who are the same age! It's so much fun, though!


JJ said...

they are so cute together!

Woodrich Family said...

I swear your Mama looks the same as the last time I saw her. Send her my love, please. It is amazing how kids understand the relationship of cousins. We sure are grateful for ours.

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