

One Last Post...

I went to the doctor today and everything is great! (Well, looking at the scale isn't what I would call 'great,' but for this baby to grow, I will have to, too!) I also passed my glucose screening which I was so thankful for because when my mom was pregnant with Nick, she had gestational diabetes, and it wasn't fun!
On my way from the doctor's office to Ellie's school, I was praying (something I do a lot in the's such a nice time alone!), and I just had to thank God for TWO GIRLS! How funny that after growing up with four younger brothers, God is allowing me to experience girls! I just can't wait!
Speaking of praying, I learned two nights ago that the pastor who married us has a daughter-in-law who had a stroke due to a mass of blood vessels at the stem of her brain. Because she is only a few years younger than I am, plus she and her husband have a baby boy, this news has really hit me in a personal way. Please say a prayer for Katherine Wolf, as well as all of the people that are affected by what has happened. Through keeping up with her status on Caring Bridge, I am once again reminded that my precious Savior is still doing miracles.
I love you all!

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