


This was the best picture I could get after all of the chocolate cake Ellie ate!

Not only did we get to find out that we are having another girl last Wednesday, but my dad happened to be coming through Birmingham so we got to see him, too! What a treat to have unexpected visits from family! (Especially when you get a free meal at PF Changs!)
Despite being exhausted from coming to school with me, Ellie had a fun time with her Poppy. He let her play with chopsticks at the dinner table, plus she got to eat anything she wanted. I don't think I have ever seen a two-year-old eat so much chocolate cake in my life!
The best part of having my dad here is that Ellie got to see the whole connection between my daddy and me, just like her daddy and her. Lately she is infatuated with the fact that Robbie and I have a mommy and a daddy! Two-and-a-half really is such a wonderful age!

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