

Happy Birthday, Ellie!

One month, one year, two years, three years!

Today was a little bit bittersweet knowing that Ellie is three now, and not two. When we got to church, we checked her in, and they sent her to the room with the bigger kids. I got a little bit teary-eyed when I walked her to the door and it was a big door, not one where the top opens and the bottom stays closed to keep all of the little chickies in. The door really summed it up...Ellie is getting bigger, more independent, and more ready to go through the doors of life all on her own, without our help getting over them.
The most fun we've had with Ellie this past year is listening to her vocabulary expand. There's no greater sound than hearing your child's sweet voice sing a song, recite the alphabet, or just tell you how much she loves you. Ultimately, though, hearing Ellie say her prayers is incredible. Tonight at dinner rather than singing 'God Our Father,' she said the sweetest, most heart-felt prayer we've heard yet. All of these little milestones are wonderful, and we are so looking to sharing the next year of many more. We love you, Sweet Ellie!


Stephanie Drew said...

happy birthday ellie! we love being your friend!

Fuller Family said...

We love you too Ellie!!! I cannot believe she is 3! How blessed we all are to have the undeserving opportunity to parent these beautiful children!

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday, Ellie!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Ellie Belly! We love you!!

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