

Tu-Tu Cute!

I promise I have her leotard on the right's just a little low-cut in the front!

Today Ellie started a movement class (we tell her it's ballet), and absolutely loved it. We had a feeling she would...dancing, prancing, and twirling are some of Ellie's favorite activities! The teacher was wonderful, and even very patient when Ellie discovered the mirrored wall and wanted to dance in front of it while the rest of the class was listening to the teacher. Thankfully, that only happened once, then Ellie kept up for the rest of the class. Of course, you can't blame Ellie...she has a mommy who could entertain herself for hours with a mirror up until the time I was who knows how old! And wearing a leotard, tights, 'tutu', and ballet shoes made the whole experience just that much better! The class takes place in a room with a window where we can see the chickies but they can't see us, so I only have pictures of Ellie after her class. I'm sure that there will be many more to come, and maybe one day I can sneak in and take some pictures of her in action!


JJ said...

what a beautiful ballerina!!

Rachael said...

How sweet! And CONGRATS on the paci! I know that is a huge relief. I still vividly remember the day we took away Josiah's last paci. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. ENJOY being paci free...for a little while anyway. :)

Stephanie Drew said...

how fun! can't wait until fall!

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