


Coco's First Bath
Olivia and Bolivia, Ellie and Coco, Emily and Kallis Kate
Entering Coco's Stats
Our Precious Girls!
We have a tradition with our old neighbors where when one of the girls turns three, we take her to Build-A-Bear. So, this year it was Ellie's turn! Of course, she had the best time ever just being there with Emily, Olivia, and Christine. Emily and Olivia brought along the bears that they made with us. The funny thing to me is that we took Olivia when I was newly pregnant with Ellie!
After much contemplation, Ellie chose a puppy dog to build. She loved getting to press the pedal to stuff the puppy, then rub the heart all over her before it went into her puppy. I have to say that her favorite part was getting to enter all of Coco's information on the computer, though. We went back to Build-A-Bear the other day to give Coco a bath, and Ellie was quite distraught that she couldn't play on the computer. So much so that she even asked if she could make another animal! (She never asks for anything in a store!)
As usual, we loved getting to visit with our old neighbors. I know I say it all of the time, but we sure miss them! Thanks, girls, for a fun night! We love you!

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