


Here's a recap of our fun vacation:
~ got to Caribe on Sunday night, left the next Sunday morning
~ went to the pool everyday!
~ went to the beach one day (Robbie and I are just not beach people...poor Ellie!)
~ got Shakes frozen custard a couple of times because it's my favorite, I'm on vacation, and the best excuse...I'm pregnant
~ Ellie slid down a waterslide that went very fast, all by herself!
~ Robbie and his dad got to play golf twice
~ I got Ellie a monkey mask from the movie theater, and she LOVED wearing it!
~ First trip to Souvenir City for both Ellie and me! Ellie chose a noise maker as her treat.
~ Mary and I went to the outlet and the only fun thing I came away with was a tube of MAC lipglass (another favorite of mine!)
~ Ellie took really long naps everyday, then would sleep late the next morning...heaven!
~ Even better, Ellie went to the potty everyday...she's finally getting it!
~ The weather was didn't rain until the last day, and that was just as we were getting out of the pool
~ Robbie and I went on a date for the first time in forever. We even went to a movie! It's so much fun to go on dates with my husband...he's awesome!
~ The best part of the vacation was getting to spend uninterrupted time with my family for an entire week!


Stephanie Drew said...

so fun! the only thing missing is the drew family!
i love that she went down the slide by big! and, love the monkey face.

Woodrich Family said...

I just love love Ellie's little polka dot swim suit! So cute!!

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