


I told Robbie I was coming in here to change my status on Facebook, and here I am on our blog...what a surprise! No pictures for tonight, but many to come from our fun beach trip! Bob and Mary go above and beyond to make the week so wonderful for us!
Be happy that I don't have pictures for this post, because the biggest news of all is that Ellie pooped on the potty! It's been a chore to say the least just to get her peeing on the potty, then the pooping thing really got to her. Well, tonight she finally decided to just do it, and boy are we proud! Robbie and I took her to TJ Maxx (it was open, it was close to where we were running errands!), and let her pick out a 'special treatment' (this is a term she made up!). Ellie chose a kit with paint pens and stickers...all of you know that's just up my alley! We have already played with the whole thing tonight!
Anyhow, just wanted to say that we are home. Robbie is unpacked, his CPAP is ready and waiting for him to go to bed, and I am here on the internet being a junkie ~ HA!
Stay tuned for beach pictures!

1 comment:

Woodrich Family said...

Yippee for Ellie going on the potty! It's always nice to have one out of diapers before the next one comes along. It's coming quick! You look so great!! I can't decide whether or not I'm ready to just embrace the fact that I'm a computer junkie or if I should continue to fight it for a while longer. Ha Ha!

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